Monday, April 27, 2020

Crazy Joe and his black helicopters

The Hill: "Joe Biden fuels election conspiracy theory while the media keeps quiet."

Here's the hot take at Hot Air:
In other words, this is Art Bell territory, but the media seems intently looking in every direction but at Biden’s jump into nuttiness. The same national media outlets that have a decided disinterest in Biden’s paranoia wasted no time shredding Senator Tom Cotton for suggesting the possibility that the COVID-19 virus might have leaked out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology a few weeks ago for supposed paranoia and racism, only to get veeeeerrrrrryyyy quiet when the Washington Post’s Josh Rogin published a 2018 State Department memo citing WIV’s safety issues and predicting that it would trigger a pandemic similar to what we’re seeing now, specifically related to their work with bat-originated coronaviruses.

That’s precisely the double standard that Turley highlights. Cotton got ridiculed for merely suggesting the possibility of a lab accident even though the media had no evidence that would have contradicted it. Biden spouts off an easily debunked allegation against Trump, and … *crickets*.
Meanwhile, the media keeps trying to disappear the Tara Reade story but stuff just keeps on turning up:
This is by no means proof that Reade is telling the truth, and the fact that she changed her story as recently as a year ago continues to be a valid justification for maintaining healthy skepticism. But everyone who took Ford, Julie Swetnick, Deborah Ramirez, and (separately) E. Jean Carroll at face value—including the television networks that aired these women's claims immediately—should explain why this time it isn't good enough.
You guys set the standard to #Believeallwomen.

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