Monday, April 27, 2020

If Joe Biden is innocent, he'll call for an FBI investigation

That's how it works, right?  "Gillibrand: Kavanaugh Not Calling for FBI Investigation of Assault Charge Is Not Reaction of ‘Innocent Person’."

Amy Klobuchar: "Most Republicans and Kavanaugh hadn't called for an FBI investigation, a move Klobuchar said was motivated by fear.  "They're afraid of what they're going to find out," she said."

Ditzy Mazie Hirono: "When he kept saying 'I didn't do it' then why wouldn't he call for an FBI investigation?"


  1. "Metrics"2:36 AM

    Morning Consult:
    Trump approval is minus-15%, down from minus-7% last week.

    Rasmussen could only keep Dummy's approval as high as minus-10%.

    Biden 50% nationally, Trump 40%.

    The generic Congressional ballot: Dems had had an unbroken 5.5% advantage for most of the last year. Since the hydroxybullshit Bleach Boy has begun going viral, it's become 8%.

    Marco Rubio would have been cruising to reelection.

  2. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Good for you.

  3. Between the FBI framing guys like Michael Flynn and having Whitey Bulger on their payroll for many years, the last thing anyone should be asking for is an FBI investigation.

  4. Drooly Joe10:31 AM

    Biden 50% nationally, Trump 40%.

    This is code for "Raped her anyway."

  5. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Conservatives want the mentally unwell, corrupt, lazy, gaffe-prone, nepotistic rapist with no accomplishments to drop out, or be forced out.

    Either way, they'll be voting for the mentally unwell, corrupt, lazy, gaffe-prone, nepotistic rapist with no accomplishments to stay president.

    "Sincerity now!"

  6. Memory Care Joe11:52 AM

    Strangely, I find myself fully believing Joe Biden when he says he has no memory of any such incident involving that woman, Miss Reade.

  7. Hairy Legged Joe11:58 AM

    Conservatives want the mentally unwell, corrupt, lazy, gaffe-prone, nepotistic rapist with no accomplishments to drop out, or be forced out.

    Strangely enough, so do Democrats! Who says there's a bitter divide tearing the country apart?

  8. Hey, bunky - weren't all the polls telling us in 2016 that Brexit wouldn't pass and Hillary! would be our next president? You don't think the proverbial deli thumb's on the scale? On a scale of 1 to 10, how gullible are you?

  9. "Metrics"8:45 AM

    Against the public will, Donald Trump is trading higher virus deaths in the second quarter, hoping it will electroshock the economy into revival in Q3, to save his re-election in Q4.... and at the same time, he's secretly winning!

    I'm lucky to have such smart tutors.

  10. All men 'n women...created...You Know The Thing!9:37 AM

    I told you, it's all about three-dimensional chess.

    And it's all starting to come together, including (ahem) "the public will":

    Six in 10 would delay 2020 election if virus worsens: Zogby Poll

  11. "Metrics"2:11 PM

    Heh. Delaying the election. Nice try.

    "The public will" (more commonly known as the public will) is against rushing to reopen the economy too fast, if doing so will worsen the virus problems and the body count.

    If a mere 60% of the public were to say that virus containment is the higher priority, that would be one of the weaker polling responses to date. 75% to 20% has been more their jam. Nice to see you re-embracing polls for 5 minutes, though.

    Your sloppy lateral pass to no one notwithstanding, Trump isn't trading higher virus deaths in this second quarter to delay the election, he's doing so in a desperate effort to win it. He's vilely wrong to do so, but he's not wrong to be desperate.

    That you would bring up a delay only underscores Trump's electoral and political straits, as he touts poison cures and forces under-tested workers to remain on the job at infected food processing plants.

  12. That Thing You Know5:12 PM

    Please venture over to where they sell such things, and purchase a sense of humor. I'm always embarrassed for you when you make an impassioned rebuttal of one of my jokes.

    Also, 60% is code for "Postponed it anyway".

  13. "Metrics"6:32 PM

    Being secretly funny must be like secretly winning.

  14. "Biden Not Perfect But Accountable" - Stacy Abrams9:08 PM

    Once you've bought a sense of humor, humor won't be a secret from you anymore. How cool will that be?

  15. "Metrics"5:00 AM

    Being funny isn't like calling "Shotgun!"on a car ride.

  16. #BelieveAllBidens10:50 AM

    Sorry you were triggered so traumatically.

  17. "Metrics"3:01 PM

    Now that's one for the smile file. Though not in the way you'd like it to be. Every time I post a poll showing Trump losing in Texas, you guys rage-piss your pants, then hold up a 2016 calendar and sing the line from the Beatles song: "Nothing is real."

    Oh, and that example wasn't a what-if. There's a new poll this week showing Trump losing in Texas.

  18. "Metrics"3:02 PM


    The one I worry about is that Bible that he's going to fondle next January 20.

  19. "Joe Biden is Joe Biden" - Nancy Antoinette6:07 PM

    Relax. "Nothing to get hung about."

  20. "Metrics"7:41 PM

    "I am not fucking losing to Joe Biden!" - Donald "Let me eat cake" Trump, upon learning he is fucking losing to Joe Biden.

    Keep misunderstanding all you see. It doesn't matter much to me.

  21. O'Biden9:30 PM

    Or, don't relax - your call.

    Maybe you could have a good scream at the sky. You'll feel better.

  22. "Metrics"10:13 PM

    Until things change, I literally couldn't feel better about the fake election numbers.

    My penis, reading Trump's polls: "It's getting hard."
    Your penis, reading Trump's polls: "Nothing to get hung about."

  23. My Library Files are Private!10:52 AM

    Until things change, I literally couldn't feel better about the fake election numbers.

    At least it's good to see you've resigned yourself to the despair that lies ahead for you.

  24. "Metrics"1:02 PM

    Ouch, you nailed me. Yup, I'm the guy who says it's still possible for Trump to win six months from now, but not with terrible poll numbers like these. You're the guy who said that there would be NO blue wave in 2018, and continued saying it even after the Democratic beatdown had already happened.

    "Let me take you down"... again and again and again.

  25. You're the guy who said that there would be NO blue wave in 2018.

    I guess it's time to make you back away once again, grumbling, from this claim by repeating the challenge that you document it with my past quotes. Get to work, or grumble.

  26. "Metrics"3:36 PM

    Ha ha, look at you, so traumatized and triggered.

    I haven't seen you like this since you were denying the existence of the 2018 Democratic blue wave.
