Saturday, February 08, 2020

Suicide squad

Michael Barone: "Democrats 2020 race is starting to look like a suicide pact."
There’s plenty of material here for an updated version of former President Ronald Reagan’s 1984 “Morning in America” ad, which, over gauzy, feel-good video, highlighted one improved statistic after another, with only a brief shot of the president himself.

What do the Democrats have to offer in return? Criticism of the killing of Iran’s terrorist chief. Tales of economic woe at a time of record-low unemployment and what Trump can reasonably call a “blue-collar boom.”

Six months ago, Democrats were savoring the humiliating defeat of Trump. Today, thanks in part to blunders from Iowa to impeachment, they fear that he, like his three predecessors, may be catching favorable winds and sailing out of the political doldrums toward reelection.
The Soleimani position in last night's debate was an unforced error: America takes out a guy the Pentagon says is responsible for over 600 American deaths and this is a bad thing?  I can't wait for this argument to re-emerge in a general election debate.

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