Saturday, February 08, 2020

Last night's debate

Amy Klobuchar was the winner of this debate if only because she seized the spotlight to say that America wasn't going to accept a socialist candidate.  Everybody else was too afraid of alienating Bernie's base.  Plus she had a funny (scripted) line about how Trump criticized Canada for cutting him out of "Home Alone 2."

Biden's the guy.  He's the guy who's been in Washington for a 100 years.  He single-handedly built the Hoover Dam and gave women the vote.  George W. Bush tricked him on his Iraq war vote, though.

The experience argument is Biden's biggest strength and his most glaring weakness.  He wants everybody to know he's been around forever and is ready to take control.  At the same time, he clings himself to Obama ("the Obama-Biden administration") so tightly even though Obama was a first-term Senator who a couple years before his election was a community organizer.

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