Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Happy Exoneration Day!

Let's recap Nancy Pelosi's week:

1) San Francisco loses Super Bowl
2) Democrats completely botch Iowa caucuses; Sleepy Joe Biden comes in 4th
3) State of the Union address; Gallup reports Trump has hit highest approval rating of his Presidency
4) Exoneration Day!


  1. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Trump approval polls that have come out since the most holy Gallup poll:

    CBS News: 43-51
    NBC/WSJ: 46-51
    Harris: 46-54
    Morning Consult: 40-55
    YouGov: 38-52
    IBD/TIPP: 44-51
    AtlasIntel: 45-54
    Rasmussen 48-50
    Ipsos: 42-54
    Reuters/ Ipsos: 42-55
    Economist: 44-54

    RCP average: 45-52
    538 average: 43-52

    Those averages include the 49% from Gallup. Feel the momentum!

  2. Ugh, why did I open up the door to polling?

  3. Anonymous12:50 PM

    This will further cheer him up:

    In new poll, support for Trump has plunged

  4. Anonymous1:32 PM

    How unexpected that your yappy poster didn't do his usual "OUTLIER!" shout for the Gallup poll.

  5. Gallup: "New High of 90% of Americans Satisfied With Personal Life"

    Oh yeah, Trump's going to lose.

  6. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Ugh, why did you open the door to polling again?

    Some of Morning Consult's 50 state polls:
    *Since Trump took office, his net approval in Michigan has decreased by 20 percentage points.
    *Since Trump took office, his net approval in Pennsylvania has decreased by 11 percentage points.
    *Since Trump took office, his net approval in Wisconsin has decreased by 16 percentage points.
    *Since Trump took office, his net approval in Arizona has decreased by 21 percentage points.
    *Since Trump took office, his net approval in Florida has decreased by 21 percentage points.
    *Since Trump took office, his net approval in North Carolina has decreased by 19 percentage points.
    *Since Trump took office, his net approval in Georgia has decreased by 18 percentage points.
    *Since Trump took office, his net approval in Iowa has decreased by 18 percentage points.
    *Since Trump took office, his net approval in Texas has decreased by 14 percentage points.

    But it's not all bad news. The President's net approval is down just 6% in Idaho-- his only single-digit decline out of 50!

  7. Fantastic.

    Want to make a bet on the election?

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