Thursday, February 06, 2020

Biden implodes

I was in a meeting all day so I'm just now catching up with the news.  Check out the prediction markets for the Democrat nomination: Biden is imploding so thoroughly that Bloomberg is now in second place behind Sanders in line for the nomination.

If you've never seen this graph, it's a wonder to behold the inexorable drop of Liz Warren from her tulip bulb frenzy days of October to single-digit land now.

I'm a-gonna call it now: Joe Biden will drop out after Nevada.  My rationale is that his team has talked non-stop about the "firewall" in South Carolina but by then the handwriting will be on the wall and he'll drop out to avoid yet another defeat.

Extra - Sure, Joe, take a break from New Hampshire.  Great idea.


  1. Seems about right - current NH polling looks like Bernie, then Buttigieg for the lead; the only question then is - Biden - 3rd or 4th? And if that happens again in NV, your call is spot on.

  2. Just checked this morning and Biden has slipped to 4th in New Hampshire.

    When you're entire reason for running is "electability" what do you do when you're clearly NOT?

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