Thursday, January 09, 2020

This week in gaffes with Sundown Joe

I laughed at this excerpt from a Matt Taibbi story in Rolling Stone: "Campaign Diary: Notes from the Most Unpredictable Primary Race Ever."
In the days after the New Year, Biden announced he’d be willing to pick a Republican running mate and also said coal miners should “learn to program.” He will go on to say “no one understood Obamacare” in Iowa. Reporters almost universally think he’d be a s**t candidate against Trump, but voters haven’t agreed: he’s still at or near the top of polls.
Believe me, I'm baffled as well, and I think it just comes back to name recognition and Obama nostalgia in the Democrat party.  Kurt Schlichter is likewise confused:
Right now, he’s [Biden] the leader in the polls and he’s the most likely to be nominated. There are two reasons. The first is that he has legacy black Democrat support. He’s the closest to a traditional Democrat, as opposed to one of the faculty lounge snobs that makes up most of the rest of the race. The second is that he has been designated The Democrat Most Likely To Succeed in beating The Donald. It’s unclear why. Sure, some polls say it (though they are shifting in Trump’s direction), but the problem for Joe is that so many liberal media types are wishcasting his victory that they never hit him hard. He’s soft and open to attack.
This is a point I recently made: the media tosses grapefruit questions to Biden with the exception of Peter Doocy who cornered Grandpa Joe on his opposition to the Bin Laden raid followed quickly by Grandpa Joe's inability to face up to his poor decision.  The rest of the media is letting Joe skate by with no hard questions, fat and happy until Donald Trump asks him about Hunter Biden about five seconds into their first debate.

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