Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Cash for mullahs

The Corner: "Yes, Obama Helped Fund the Iranian Regime."

And, no, we did not owe Iran a single penny.  Obama just made that up to salvage his phony nuclear deal.


  1. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Donald Trump laundered money through Soleimani's Iranian Guard.

  2. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Pace yourself, Kmart. That Iranian money-launderer is going to be your president for the next five years yet.

  3. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Polling by USA Today, today:
    "Has the killing of Soleimani and its immediate aftermath made the United States more safe, or less safe?"

    More safe: 24%
    Less safe: 55%

    Trump is deemed "reckless" in the same poll by a margin of 52% to 34%.

    And 52% say Trump's assassination makes it more likely that Iran will develop nuclear weapons. 8% say it's less likely. Eight.

    Despite all the incredible internal 2020 polling Trump keeps bragging about, you can bet they're paying for credible polling too. 52% to 8% is why the first words out of Trump's sedated mouth yesterday were about Iran not getting nuclear weapons.

  4. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Someday, five years from now, instead of having to settle for fixating on an endless succession of push polls, you will be able to come here and proudly announce that Donald Trump Sr. is no longer president.

  5. Absolutely - let's run foreign policy on the results of a freaking USA Today poll! Brilliant! Why didn't we think of this before?

  6. Anonymous5:52 AM

    let's run foreign policy on the results of a freaking USA Today poll! Brilliant!

    Among voters who say foreign policy is their top issue, Freaking USA Today Poll is leading Donald J. Trump 51 percent to 42 percent.

  7. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Someday, five years from now

    Oooh, so confident. I’m intimidated! But if I were you — truly a gruesome thought — I would NOT look at the initial polling changes in the week since Soleimani’s assassination. Specifically, do not look at the direction of Trump’s approval rating. Nor to the margin of public support for impeachment. And this was supposed to have been “Rally ‘round the flag / He kept us safe” week, too.

    Funny how all the (heh) “push polls” keep pushing in the same direction. It’s also a damn shame that blowing up Arabs isn’t the automatic jumpstart it used to be.

    Maybe your equally confident prediction of polling “goodwill” isn’t coming true after all? Except at Goodwill, the donation thrift store that’s going to be overrun with discarded red MAGA hats.

  8. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Five years from now, instead of having to settle for cherishing hopes that Trump's approval rating doesn't continue rising, you will be able to come here and proudly announce that Trump Sr. is no longer the president.

  9. Anonymous5:37 PM


    "Hopes that it doesn't continue rising"? All surveyors dream of the chance to one day measure a piece of property as flat as Trump's approval rating.

  10. I thought impeachment was going to sink Trump's polls. Now they're "not rising?"

    Keep moving those goalposts, libs. It's your national sport.

  11. Anonymous2:14 PM

    No, you didn't. Let's be real. You thought impeachment was going to sink Democrats' polls, and then cost them elections.

    And Donald Trump thought that attacking Iran was the trick that would improve a "desperate" president's polls, and seal his reelection.

    How're his and your expectations holding up, not lib?

  12. Impeachment unpopular in swing states:

  13. Anonymous6:50 AM

    You must have missed this one:

    In eleven swing states, 46% of registered voters are "certain to vote against Trump." 34% are "certain to vote for Trump."

    But statistics can be fluid. Here's Michigan from 5 days ago:

    Trump's re-elect number continues at just 35.5 percent re-elect and 51.5 percent voting for someone new. 29% to 46.3% are definitely set on doing so. Among independents it's 27.3 percent to 46.2%.
