Saturday, December 07, 2019

Oh no, they're on to us!

Hot Air link to NY Times article: "GOP Impeachment Tactic: Turn Ukraine Allegations Against Biden."
There is no evidence that the elder Mr. Biden, while serving as vice president, improperly intervened in Ukraine to benefit his son. But the president’s advisers are betting that many voters will ignore the complexities of the allegations and absorb a simple message about a father using his influence to help his son, a senior Trump campaign official said…
There's two things I suspect about the Biden story: 1) a lot of Americans aren't aware of the whole story behind Hunter and 2) they're going to react badly to the gaslighting that there's "no evidence" that the sitting Vice President did nothing to help his recently-discharged cocaine-addled son get a sweet no-show job.

It's going to be "those 30,000 emails were all yoga routines" all over again.

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