Saturday, December 07, 2019

Look, fat

Bookworm Room: "Call me callous, but I’m enjoying watching Joe Biden decompensate." - "Some people deserve what the Fates throw at them. The fates knew what they were doing when they visited incipient dementia on Joe Biden, a man whose distinguished himself for the last 40 years by being incredibly mean, wrong, racist, and destructive." 


  1. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Fervent Donald Trump supporter criticizes lifelong mean, wrong, racist, destructive man with signs of early dementia.

    That's like a Category 5 hurricane on your wedding day. Or 10 trillion spoons when all you need is a knife.

  2. I didn't vote for Trump and I'm not a fervent supporter.

    If it seems that way it's because after the Mueller nothingburger we've moved into this clown show impeachment.

  3. Anonymous8:16 PM

    I was referring to Mr. Bookworm Room and his fervent link about the Fates, not to you.

    But it's interesting that you saw it as a thing you needed to deny, followed by spouting "nothingburger" in contradiction to reality. (Lois Lerner was an epic scandal, but this is just a "clown show.")

    Less fervent supporters like to comfort themselves with their conditional pained support for Trump. At the present time, they're actually a larger problem than the MAGA rally Trumpies.

  4. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Less fervent supporters like to comfort themselves with their conditional pained support for Trump. At the present time, they're actually a larger problem than the MAGA rally Trumpies.

    You would see how large the problem really is if you allowed yourself to realize that it's the Democrats own reckless anti-Trump efforts that drive the "less fervent" to him ...along with the independents, and blacks, and Hispanics.

  5. Anonymous4:19 PM

    So, when does all this righteous backlash start happening?

    Trump approval:

    Trump approval by state, with Electoral College numbers:

    Generic Congressional ballot:

  6. Anonymous5:48 PM

    So, when does all this righteous backlash start happening?

    Don't worry your little head about it. If Dem leadership and the left in general is unwilling to see it as a "large problem", I will certainly not be expending energy to convince them.

    I'll just watch.

  7. Anonymous7:26 PM

    So, all that righteous backlash hasn't started happening. Anywhere. Got it.

    You stay strong on sentry duty, soldier. Let us know the minute any of that “good will in the eyes of the country” you forecasted begins to rise over the perimeter.

    But as long as we're discussing the subject of your keen predictive mind... how'd ya like the Inspector General's FBI deep state Get Trump report? You were eagerly waiting for it. And it's finally here!

  8. Man, you guys love your polls.

  9. Firehouse Optimus: is it a polling firm or a Transformer?9:11 PM

    Wow, the renowned pollster Firehouse Strategies, a GOP public relations firm which isn't among the 433 pollsters rated by That's big.

    In conjunction with Optimus, a pollster that is listed by 538, but has an average error margin of greater than 7%.

    Optimus gets a C/D rating, which is tied for 12th-worst among the 433 pollsters, and tied for 4th-worst among the pollsters whose numbers are acknowledged by 538. (The bottom eight are banned from inclusion in 538's averages.)

    You guys sure do gobble down "your" polls (or cherrypicked portions thereof) on the infrequent occasions they deliver good news. If only there were some way to weigh this new Firehouse/Optimus poll in context.

  10. "Your polls bad, my polls good"

    538: "Hillary is a shoo-in!"

  11. Anonymous10:52 PM

    You jumped for the P.R. firm's bait. That's exactly what it was designed for.

    "Your polls bad, my polls good"

    But your pollster is objectively bad.

    Perhaps you should hold your fire until there's a second battleground state poll in which Trump's thrashing the world by double digits.

  12. How about Arizona?

    Joe Biden did an interview with NPR and, lemme tell you, he's not gonna make it. How's Bernie's ticker?

  13. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Man, you guy love your poll.

    And how about Arizona?

    Who gives a shit about Biden? Or Sanders? Or any particular Democratic candidate, as long as the "definitely will NOT vote for Trump" response is consistently above 50% in poll after poll after poll after poll.

    But I don't want to kill your buzz. Any day when you've finally found a poll where Trump is leading your beloved Senator Warren in Arizona is a good day.

  14. But muh polls...they won't change over a year!

    I wuv my polls.

  15. "Who cares who the candidate against Trump is?" - people born after November 3rd, 2016.

  16. Anonymous8:11 PM

    - but not more den half of dah voters responding to all of muh polls and yuh polls.

  17. Anonymous8:26 PM

    In 2011 and 2012, you used to cite Barack Obama's 45% to 47% approval ratings and exult that no incumbent president with an approval that low had ever won reelection.

    Today, Donald Trump's 41% to 43% approval is just one more thing that needs to be downplayed, while you scavenge for polling bright spots in which Trump is doing less poorly.

    So stick with the 4th worst-rated pollster/Republican P.R. firm out of 433 rated pollsters. No, let's try to be positive... they're in a 45-way tie for the 381st BEST pollster!

    I'm inclined to give a little more weight to the very different Trump vs. Possible Opponent polling results in the same state of Arizona, as recently measured by the 1st-best pollster out of 433, and the 9th-best pollster out of 433.

    I know it's been a truly terrible, horrible, terrihorrible week for the president and it's only Wednesday. But hey, no worries. It's not as if you support Donald Trump or anything.

  18. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Nothing takes me back to 2016 like this guy's blustering about polls.

  19. Oops, there goes Iowa.

  20. Uh-oh, Wisconsin too.

  21. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Trump is leading five Democrats in Wisconsin by an average of 0.8%, according to the newest poll by a reasonably good pollster (Marquette). It's a reasonable and plausible result.

    Unlike the previous poll, by a GOP public relations firm with a bad track record, that you were just hootin' and hollerin' over. That one says Trump is leading the five Democratic opponents in Wisconsin by an average of 11.8%.

    0.8%, 11.8%, whatevs. 11 percentage points doesn't matter much in a swing state.

    We should also ignore that the new Marquette polling shows Pete Buttigieg substantially closing the gap on Trump. He's gone from minus-8% in Marquette's previous Wisconsin polling of three weeks ago, to minus-1% in the poll you're weirdly happy about. Your hometown hero Warren has moved from -5% to -1%. And Biden has taken the lead on Trump, after having trailed by -3% according to Marquette.

    There's similar movement in many states. But for this poll, let's just say "Uh-oh, Wisconsin too."

    Going forward, when it comes to poll watching, you should look at the source, and consider the context. If not, you can adopt your own misfired taunt from yesterday: "But muh 0.8% lead in won't change over a year!"
