Monday, November 18, 2019

Verdict: true

Byron York: "Democrats don't want public to know origins of Ukraine investigation like they didn't want public to know origins of Russia investigation."

Shut up, they explained.


  1. Anonymous8:39 AM

    An old truism: When you're arguing process, it's because you're losing on the facts and evidence.

    Shut up, they explained.

    This badly overused cliché would be better applied to all the administration witnesses who've been corruptly ordered not to comply with subpoenas.

    To Susan McDougall, a belated "thank you for your service."

  2. Mueller couldn't find collusion because of all the obstruction is now Schiff can't find any crime because of all the obstruction.

    Because it's *got* to be a crime there, somewhere. If only a single person could identify it.

  3. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Mueller wasn't permitted to indict. Pelosi can.

  4. Good luck indicting the crime of "mean tweets."

  5. Anonymous8:43 PM

    It's getting to the point that you really almost have to feel sorry for the poor Dem impeachment brigade, if they weren't such sleazy lizards.

    Not only can't they get any Ukrainian official to say Trump tried to bribe them...

    They can't even get any of their own hand-picked witnesses to say they even think it happened.

    Pelosi and Schiff, et al have repeatedly demonstrated their incompetence to "get the job done", and just keep coming back for another knee-slapping coup attempt.

  6. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I Love the 2010s:
    Remember when actor Charlie Sheen was rampaging around day after day, 1,000% convinced that he was winning and that his hapless opponents were fools and worms and clowns?

  7. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Yes - and it does indeed remind me of you, thanks.

    One has to almost admire your endless efforts to make the ashes in your mouth taste better.

  8. Anonymous1:41 PM

  9. Anonymous1:42 PM

    So anyhoo, how'd you enjoy the Louisiana election?

  10. Anonymous6:10 PM

    It's an obvious bellwether for the upcoming presidential election. Unless some miracle comes along and tips the scales the other way...

  11. Ha-ha, nice one most-recent anonymous.

    Impeachment is going swimmingly:

  12. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I get that conservatives are forced to adopt a tactical idiocy in order to continue supporting their treacherous dirtbag. And that owning the libs is a soothing consolation prize for abandoning one's values and self-respect.

    But you can't seriously be buoyed by that Marquette poll, in which Trump is leading Biden, Sanders, Warren and Buttigieg among Louisiana voters by margins ranging from 2% to 8%.

    In 2016, Trump won Louisiana by 20%.

    Trump is going to win Louisiana. He might win the entire election. But that poll is bad for you.

    Does the tactical Trump idiocy now extend to subtraction?

  13. Anonymous9:24 AM

    As for that impeachment poll, woo hoo! Well done! Even better, it’s already been added into the average here:

    You're going to need a few more polls just to climb up to breaking even. Two months ago, support for impeachment was at minus-12% to minus-15% among independents.

    Nevertheless, it’s good to see you boys acknowledging polls, even if it’s only these two particular polls. Baby steps.

  14. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Correction-- I f'd up. The Trump vs Dems poll is from Wisconsin, not Louisiana.

    I retract the above Louisiana math. I should have noted that that Trump won Wisconsin independents by 13% in 2016. So it's a smaller subtraction. It's still a bad poll for you, but not 20% to 8% bad.

    Trump's approval rating was +6% in Wisconsin in January 2017. He's at minus-17% in Wisconsin today.
    (*Morning Consult)

  15. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I'm not quite sure how to break this to you, but the Marquette poll I linked to was taken in the battleground state of Wisconsin, not Louisiana.

    That's alright, though. If my whole world was collapsing at my feet, I wouldn't be thinking too clearly either.

  16. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I only wish I'd caught that before you told me.

  17. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Do you also wish you hadn't, as a sop to your embarrassment, called the Marquette Wisconsin poll "a bad poll for you," considering that the same poll in October showed Trump trailing Biden by 6 points, Sanders by 2 and Warren by 1?

    Or maybe that's something else you've "caught" while I'm typing this comment, and I'll see your mea culpa when I post it.

  18. Anonymous9:39 PM

    I can never be embarrassed on this website. Not when I'm the only one here (of about 3 to 4 people) who didn't keep on stubbornly insisting for days and days that the 2018 blue wave election wasn't a blue wave election at all, dammit. That "Get Out of Embarrassment Fast" pass is going to last me for quite a while.

    I admit when I've F'd up. See above, before you'd replied. (Too slow!) In boldface even.

    One looks stupider when they won't admit when they've clearly screwed up. See you, one year ago, blue wave election.

  19. Anonymous9:47 PM

    The right-leaning Real Clear Politics' poll aggregator includes your new favorite Marquette poll. But even with its numbers factored in, RCP's average still has Trump trailing Biden in Wisconsin by 2.7%, trailing Sanders by 1%, and leading Warren by 1%. My comment about the single impeachment poll also applies here: you're going to need a few more polls.

    In the Marquette poll, depending on which head-to-head matchup it is, Donald Trump gets 35%, 39%, 42% or 43% support among Wisconsin independent voters. But in 2016, Trump got 51% of all independents' votes, against Hillary Clinton's 38%. The 13% difference between the two represented 5% of Wisconsin's total electorate. You know, the reason Trump won Wisconsin by 0.7%?

    So Trump is down in Wisconsin where it counts most. Not up, but down. Hence "a bad poll for you."

    (Trump is up slightly among the state's Republicans, according to this particular poll, as compared to his 2016 vote percentage. And he's down slightly among Democrats. It's a statistical wash.)

    Also, I wouldn't bet the baby's milk money on 11% (!) of Wisconsin's independents voting third party again next year, the way they did in 2016. And good luck getting another America's Sweetheart opponent like Hillary.

    And you may have missed this tea leaf, but the underwhelming Democrats swept the five Wisconsin statewide elections in last year's non-wave, flipping four of them. Poor Scott Walker, he lost his right-to-work. Plus, as noted above, Trump's net approval has fallen by 23% in Wisconsin since he's been in office. Every electoral sign in Wisconsin since November 2016 is negative for Trump, but by God, he is undeniably up from the previous Marquette poll. Could be a red wave!!

  20. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I see.

    May the bad polls continue then, one after another. And may they get badder and badder.

  21. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Oh Look!

    Another "bad poll for me" already:

    Poll finds sharp swing in opposition to impeachment among independents

    Can you promise "a bad election for me" in 2020?

  22. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Get a load of Mr. "The polls will save you!" dry-humping the polls.

    I'm beginning to worry that if these polls are the start of a trend, the McConnell Senate may not convict and remove President Donald Trump after all.

  23. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Among other consequences.

  24. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Ooh. Tantalizing.
