Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The mainstream media is trash

Ace: "AP Publishes Story Noting That 100,000 Migrant Children are In Detention, Pinning This on Trump; Then They "Retract" The Story When They Learn This Figure is from 2015, and Therefore Not "News" Because It's Not Helpful to Democrats."

Down into the memory hole.  Oceania has always been at war with East Asia.

Driving home this evening, NPR decided that the moment to highlight was the applause that Alexander Vindman received when he made some vague statement about "doing right."  Somewhere lost in the story was that he clearly lied about his contact with the whistleblower and he couldn't identify a crime Trump had committed.  It's my understanding that every witness today said they didn't see evidence of a crime and Rep. John Ratcliffe noted that nowhere in the voluminous transcripts collected by Schiff does anybody mention bribery.  

Oh, that's not news.  Let's talk about feelings some more.

Extra - Dude was busy, yo:


  1. Anonymous9:53 AM

    To say this impeachment case is collapsing is an understatement.

    Mark Meadows. Heh.

    Jeff Greenfield (@greenfield64):
    On FOX, Ken Starr wonders whether GOP Senators may be thinking of "taking walk down to the White House" (meaning asking for Trump's resignation a la Nixon).

    Yes, that Ken Starr.

    Starr is wishcasting here, even though the impeachment hearings are going quite badly. How many different GOP defenses died screaming yesterday?

    But Starr's right in one respect. We all know that Senators Collins and McSally and Gardner and Ernst and Tillis and Perdue and Cornyn would prefer taking a walk on the pavement to taking a vote on the record.

  2. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Another wonderful day so far. Simply delightful.

    During a break in the Sondland testimony, your go-to source for intelligent impeachment analysis Rep. Mark Meadows asked a group of reporters: “Let me go off the record for just a second.”

    Rep. Meadows was being broadcast live on C-SPAN.

  3. Nice try.


  4. Anonymous10:34 PM

    There is no try, there is only do or do not.

