Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Not a brave whistleblower, just a partisan leaker

Hot Air: "Adam Schiff Learned About The Whistleblower Complaint In Advance."

And here's Ace confirming what we suspected:
Remember when Fred Fleitz and others reported that, based on their long experience in national security and with whistleblowers, the "whistleblower" complaint did not read like any real whistleblower's complaint, but like something written by a Democrat lawyer for political impact?

Well, there you go. It reads like it was written by a partisan Democrat legislative aide because it was written by a partisan Democrat legislative aide.
Adam Schiff then lied about meeting with the whistleblower because he knew how it would look.

Extra - Commentary: "Impeachment #2 May Have Jumped the Shark."  Including the now-confirmed detail that the Ukrainians were unaware that there was any delay in foreign aid.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Oh, it's echoing, all right.

    And when the evil and totally real witch is dead, the GOP will live happily ever after. The End.
