Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Assassination humor is: horrifying / hilarious

Depends on your political party.  Remember this?  NBC News: "Rodeo clown who mocked Obama at Missouri State Fair banned from performing."  This was a national outrage found at a State Fair rodeo.

Compare and contrast.  Hollywood in Toto: "How one 'SNL' joke brutally exposes cancel culture."
“It’s gonna take another year or so [impeachment], and I was like, ‘well, damn, that sucks. Let’s get drunk.’

“It’s frustrating. You know, I bet somebody explained how long impeachment takes to John Wilkes Booth, and he was like, ‘O.K., well, where’s [Lincoln] at right now?'”

Chuckles ensue. Pearls … weren’t clutched by the usual suspects. WaPo. Slate. Salon. Vox. BuzzFeed. HuffPo.
That's different because Trump.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Depends on your political party.

    Indeed. When candidate Trump said that "Second Amendment people" could perhaps stop Hillary Clinton, his horror/hilarity failed to capture your interest. Instead, you wrote about the Clinton slush fund and the illicit uranium.

    That's different because Trump.

    #RodeoClownMartyr #NeverForget
