Friday, May 03, 2019


Ace: "Washington Post: The President Might, Get This, Use Justice Department Resources to Harass and Investigate His Rival!!!!"
Glad to see that you monsters are worried about this now.

And you should be worried -- because I'll support Trump every step of the way when he weaponizes the government against you, the same as you did to him (and us).

You wanted Thunderdome for your enemies?

Get ready for Thunderdome for yourselves.
Trump should start off with some of that sweet Lois Lerner action and review all these "non-partisan" groups that are anything but.  Then we'll have the FBI start a "counterintelligence" investigation (since there isn't probable cause for a criminal probe) and assemble - oh let's call it the "Iron + Carbon Dossier."  The veracity of this dossier won't matter at all because the real game will be the investigation and the Democrats' nominee's reaction to it.  If he/she raises a fuss, we can charge with obstruction and then openly question the nominee's temperament to lead the country.

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