Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Zero point zero votes

Fox News: "Green New Deal fails Senate test vote as dozens of Democrats vote 'present'."

As Instapundit notes, this vote to save the Earth took place in the Republican-controlled Senate but it won't even get a vote in the Democrat-controlled House.  Why do Democrats deny climate change and hate Gaia?


  1. Robert Fisk9:29 AM

    Hmmmm...I've been scratching my head over this. Why wouldn't they want to vote for their own bill? Why, in fact, would they call the vote on a bill they themselves submitted, a "sham vote" and a "partisan stunt"?

    Don't they know the clock is ticking on the mere 12 years the planet has left?

  2. ...and now we only have 11 years, 11 months - WE GOTTA DOOOOO SOMETHING!!!
