Wednesday, March 27, 2019

CNN: We read words from papers and teleprompters

Federalist: "CNN President Peddles New Excuse For Garbage Russia Coverage: ‘We Are Not Investigators’"

So the show "CNN Investigates" is the equivalent of a Subway "foot long."


  1. PM

    SSRS poll for CNN:

    Q: Based on what you have heard or read, do you think the report finds:

    *The President and his campaign have been exonerated of any collusion with Russia -- 43%
    *The President and his campaign have not been exonerated, but collusion could not be proven -- 56%
    *No opinion -- 1%

    Q: Which of the following best describes your views on the 2020 election and the findings of the Mueller investigation?

    *Already planned to vote for Donald Trump regardless of the investigation’s findings -- 19%
    *Currently undecided about 2020, and the investigation’s findings make you more likely to back Trump -- 7%
    *Currently undecided about 2020, and the investigation’s findings make no difference in your decision -- 17%
    *Currently undecided about 2020, and the investigation’s findings make you less likely to back Trump -- 6%
    *Already planned to vote against Donald Trump regardless of the investigation’s findings -- 50%
    *You don't plan to vote in 2020 -- < 1%
    *No opinion -- < 1%

  2. Robert Fisk6:32 PM

    Well, well. Look who's crawled out from his safe space! Is the coast clear now, commi? Repair work to the psyche completed? New hope of salvation found?

    Let me guess: "Barr's summary of the report is full of lies!!1!"

    "Mueller was compromised! Trump must have something on him!"

    "Who cares about Mueller and Russian collusion? The SDNY and Trump's financial crimes were always going to be what saved us!"

    "Onward with impeachment for obstruction!"

    Alternate response:

    Someday, instead of having to settle for comforting himself with hope-polls, the commi may be able to come here and proudly announce that his torment has ended because Trump has been removed from office.

  3. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Well, well. Look who's crawled out from his safe space! Is the coast clear now, commi?

    Remember when you used to rely on the clichéd "living in your head rent-free" line? The only thing I want to know about your head is, how do I get OUT of there?

    Yes, you're like an overexcited dog jumping and barking at the window, seeing his master come home. After all, you were "abandoned" for what, 2 days? Even so, troll better, you witless smegnugget. Of your five dazzlingly make-believe quotes that would thrill you if only I'd ever post them, less than one-half of one even approximates something I might think or say. Subtract all your retarded fan fiction and you might even guess what your inadvertently unstupid thing was.

    As you know only too well, you've always done much better at inventing and defeating phantom opponents than you have against the real thing. Jesus, that TV ratings thread. That ended up being child abuse.

    But why settle for one, er, "hope-poll" (what?), when you can include them all!

    Trump's average approval rating on March 22, hours before the submission of Mueller's report was announced:
    41.9% approve, 52.9% disapprove

    Trump's average approval rating today after complete and total exoneration:
    41.9% approve, 52.8% disapprove

  4. Robert Fisk9:40 AM

    Someday, instead of having to bristle at how his own downtime was noticed and laughed at, downtime for the mental torment caused by an inescapable moment of truth, the commi may be able to come here and proudly announce that he'll never need downtime for mental torment again because Trump has been removed from office.

  5. Anonymous5:00 PM

    It's nice that you've found an emotional outlet for whenever I'm away from you for more than 12 hours. How many times did you come here looking for me, then sag your shoulders? Keep filling the void with more of your heads/tails "if you post, you're manic; if you don't, you're cowering" death blows.

    Your auto-response also seems enriching for you. People on the spectrum often find structure in repetition.

    But enough about you. How's that Donald Trump approval rating doing? Surely the political momentum of his total exoneration must have kicked in by now.

  6. Robert Fisk9:38 PM

    Someday, instead of having to settle for giving another hope-infused performance of Think of me, think of me fondly..., the commi may be able to come here and proudly announce that he'll never need to seek validation from me again because Trump has been removed from office.

  7. Anonymous9:54 PM

    You were shamed and mocked for having continued to argue with me for weeks, when I was away and offline and you were alone.

    Now you portray short absences as me hiding and weeping in a cave, because your autistic repetitions are just too much for me to combat.

    Living rent-free in your Casa Coconut, for sure. I'd much rather be homeless.

  8. Robert Fisk9:22 AM

    Someday, instead of having to settle for pretending he didn't hide when mental torment made him do so, the commi may be able to come here and proudly announce that his tormented days are over because Trump has been removed from office.

  9. Anonymous5:05 AM

  10. Robert Fisk9:42 AM

    Someday, instead of having to settle for trying to save face on his way out the door with a "you-own-me" link, the commi may be able to come here and proudly announce that there will be no need for him to save face ever again because Trump has been removed from office.
