Thursday, January 31, 2019

We'll always have Prague

So much for that theory: "New evidence destroys Adam Schiff's theory about Trump tower meeting."  "The Senate Intelligence Committee obtained phone records showing Donald Trump Jr. did not speak with his father from a blocked telephone number in the days before the infamous Trump Tower meeting in June 2016."  Just like Don Jr. testified.


  1. Anonymous6:28 AM

    The blocked caller angle was always overblown on both sides, both sides.

    If it was Father Trump on Don Jr.'s phone call, that couldn't prove that particular call was to discuss Trump/Russian scheming. And if it wasn't Trump on the phone, Trump Jr could still have briefed his father on Russian scheming through the remarkable invention called the Trump Tower elevator.

    A dad-and-son phone call would only have been suggestive evidence for the serious legal trouble Donald Jr. has in no way been relieved of.

  2. 'If', 'could still have briefed', 'would only have' - that's enough evidence for me! I'm sold, baby - throw his ass in the hoosegow!

  3. Robert Fisk9:02 PM

    There's hope for our divided country in the fact that, if one of the called blocked numbers had turned out to be Trump's, at least one proud liberal would nevertheless be online stating that it "couldn't prove that particular call was to discuss Trump/Russian scheming."

    Our media and politicians could take a lesson in thoughtful, tempered commentary from this fellow.

  4. Anonymous7:33 AM

    What did you "two" dingleberries imagine this blocked call was ever going to lead to in a court of law? The one true smoking gun? Unless -- and this is an inconceivable unless -- Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr's stories about the phone call's innocuous content somehow matched up?

    You goofus(es) badly want to ignore the reality of the Tower "adoptions meeting" itself. And you especially need to ignore the fraudulent document drafted by the president as an official alibi. No Senate Intelligence Committee members are coming to save your malignant bobo on those.

    But you know all too well who's not ignoring the meeting and the statement. The man who Republicans keep wish-saying has been wrapping up his investigation for a year and a half now.

  5. Rogert Fisk11:16 AM

    What did you "two" dingleberries imagine this blocked call was ever going to lead to in a court of law?

    It's not what "we" imagined the call would lead to in a court of law, but what we knew it was doing in the corridors of the liberal mind. Your bitchy comment speaks of dashed hopes.

    It's been a tough time for you, what with BuzzFeed getting personally bitch-slapped by Mueller, and Schiff et al getting bitch-slapped by three revealed telephone numbers.

    Hope dies hard.

  6. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Your bitchy comment speaks of dashed hopes.

    Can this be for real? Is the person who swore his epic blue wave midterm beatdown wasn’t a blue wave at all after the votes were in now giving free lectures on accepting cruel reality?

    You’re bad at many things, but you're extra bad at deflection. Republicans like yourself are the ones who over-panicked about the evidentiary weight of Don Jr’s blocked phone call, and now you’re over-celebrating the report that it wasn’t to Dad. The call was never more than a speculative addendum to the very well-documented Russian orphans meeting, and the subsequent bullshit cover-up effort dictated on Air Force One by President Trump.

    (Again, how was this "trace the call" scenario supposed to work? When Mueller confirmed the phone call, was Trump going to break down and admit it was part of his Russian plot, or was Trump Jr going to flip on his dad?)

    Mueller doesn't need the phone call. Criminal conspiracy isn’t like McDonalds french fries, it doesn’t go cold if you wait more than 10 minutes.

    Here’s another small difference between the call and the cover-up: Trump’s not going to have to pardon his own son because of the blocked call.

  7. Robert Fisk9:42 AM

    My mistake. Your persistent aggrieved objections have convinced me. Apparently you weren't hoping that the phone records would show that Don Jr. called Trump just before the Russian adoption meeting, despite the high hopes placed on it by Adam Schiff and other Democrats.

    Again, how was this "trace the call" scenario supposed to work?
    I'm afraid you'll have to ask Adam Schiff that question. He's the one who cried "obstruction!" and obsessed about getting the phone numbers.

    Republicans like yourself are the ones who over-panicked about the evidentiary weight of Don Jr’s blocked phone call...
    Sorry, but I'll have to call you out on that one to provide documentation of this "over-panic".

  8. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Uh-uh. You first, Goofus. Provide some documentation that I was "hoping" anything about Trump Jr's phone call. Or that making fun of you is being "aggrieved."

    You’ve got one retarded move. Making up imaginary Moe the Bartender scenarios so you can challenge me to aggrievedly deny that "I'm a stupid moron with an ugly face and a big butt and my butt smells and I like to kiss my own butt.”

    Trump Jr. is neck-deep in the shit, and would be even if he never owned a cell phone and communicated only via semaphore. The fact that Mueller hasn't gotten to Jr. yet suggests the investigation isn't "wrapping up" as -- dare I say it? -- hoped.

    And that's just one battlefront. Yesterday and today, the news broke that the New York Southern District Court will be peeling apart Trump's inaugural committee, and the Trump Organization. But it's all a nothingburger that will end triumphantly, amid liberal tears.

    2019 is going to be so much fun.

  9. Robert Fisk6:37 PM

    I already admitted you weren't "hoping anything about Trump Jr's phone call." Did you miss it? - "Apparently you weren't hoping that the phone records would show that Don Jr. called Trump..."

    Now get to work on the documentation of the over-panicked Republicans. Remember, you've been called out.

  10. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Oooh, "called out." A direct challenge to my manhood! Maybe I'll give you an answer on the next thrilling episode of WWE Smackdown.

    Until then, World's Most Derivative Troll, you just quit doing your puerile "quoting equals trying to steal credit" idiocy. Now you (heh heh) demand a Google report? Pick a lane. You're sounding over-panicked.

  11. Robert Fisk6:48 PM

    So the record will show that you couldn't back up your bravado with facts. Not surprising.

  12. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Oh no, the record! Is that where the chroniclers list all of your "wins" for posterity?

    The record will show that I laughed at your moronic challenge, laughed at your trollish hypocrisy, and laughed at you. A pretty solid two minutes of typing, I'd say.

    And even if we made believe there's one chance in a billion you'd actually accept examples of conservatives sharting themselves over the Junior's blocked call speculation, what's the problem? You don't need me. Haven't they got internet search engines yet in Retard Village?

  13. Robert Fisk9:02 PM

    You don't need me. Haven't they got internet search engines yet in Retard Village?

    Oh, we've got them, alright. The funny thing about search engines though - they can't find things that aren't there. But in this case, you already know that.

  14. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Wow, you just can't get past that accurate "over-panicked" observation. Hit too close to your real feels, huh?

    Why don't you be Trump and I'll be Trump's son, and pardon me?

  15. Robert Fisk6:23 PM

    Why don't you be Trump and I'll be Trump's son, and pardon me?

    It's almost enough to make me feel sorry for you, that you'd grovel like that. But what else can you do, in the defenseless position you're in - admit you were wrong, and made a claim you couldn't back up?

  16. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I'm so right, it hurts. Your posts scream it.

    Which is why your spirits were so rashly elated by the claim about Trump Jr's blocked call not being to Dad.

    In turn, it's why you were so disheartened when I pointed out the claim's legal insignificance.

    So now you're deflecting from that emotional and legal reality with some pitiful manhood-rebuilding exercise.

    Overcompensating for over-panicking is a tell. It's also not my problem. I'm not here to handhold you as the disintegration of Trump continues.

  17. Robert Fisk3:00 PM

    It's fun to watch how, when you get backed into a corner with no way of escape, your comments become so manic, frantic, and abusive.

    ...Annnnd another example of that is coming right up.

  18. Anonymous1:27 AM

    You say, "I've backed you into an inescapable corner, annnnnnd the conclusive proof will come as soon as you either do or don't reply."

    Oh no! What cunning! It's not neurotic at all!

    It's fun to watch...

    ...2019? I agree!
