Wednesday, January 30, 2019

That happened

Turtleboy: "The Jussie Smollett Attempted Lynching By Trump Supporters Is One Of The Most Fantastic Works Of Fiction I’ve Ever Heard But It Fits The Narrative So It Doesn’t Matter."
Here’s how this story ends. The perpetrators will never be caught because this never happened. The Chicago Police will find out that he made this all up but he will not be arrested for it, because it’s bad PR for cops in the city where Laquan McDonald was killed 5 years ago by a cop to call out a gay black man for lying about a hate crime. There will be more fake hate crimes in the future and democrats running for President will throw this in the pile with them as part of their narrative that they are the antidote for Trump-inspired hate crimes. The media will do its part to not investigate whether or not any of this true, because the lie is better for business than the truth.
I left for work late today (snow) so I had the misfortune of seeing the "Today" show chowderheads reporting this "attack" without a hint of doubt that it really happened.  And then the topper was seeing a tweet by race huckster Al Sharpton.  I grew up in the metropolitan New York City area when Al Sharpton and his cohorts were peddling the ridiculous Tawana Brawley story and setting race relations back decades.

You and Meathead and Spartacus can shove it.  When this is exposed for the hoax it is, I'm sure AOC will tell us that the facts don't matter because Smollett was morally right.

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