Friday, January 18, 2019

(Sad trombone)

And just like that, a million dreams of impeachment went up in smoke.  Fox News: "Mueller team disputes BuzzFeed report claiming Trump told Cohen to lie."
Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office on Friday issued an extraordinary statement disputing a bombshell news report claiming President Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie about the timing of discussions over a proposed Trump Tower project in Moscow.

“BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the Special Counsel’s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate,” Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller’s office, said Friday.
What a great day.  This turd of a report didn't last 24 hours.

Sad trombone.

Extra - Gateway Pundit: "Mueller’s Team NUKES BuzzFeed’s Latest Junk Report."

More - Long post at Instapundit.


  1. Robert Fisk9:38 PM

    Annnnd...before you can say "Buzzfeed will save us!"

    It certainly didn't take long for that egg to appear on someone's face, did it? Not that any lesson will be learned from the experience.

  2. You know, I was 80% sure the story was B.S. It just didn't add up, especially considering Cohen would have had to had this conversation with Trump *after* the Mueller investigation started.
