Friday, January 18, 2019

Back by popular demand: the dumbest woman in Congress

Federalist: "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Setting Women Back Light Years In Politics."
In mere minutes, Ocasio-Cortez managed to affirm nearly every negative stereotype about the female sex, from the trope that we’re no good at math to the notion that you shouldn’t trust us with a credit card. If all you saw was her example, you’d think we’re all just emotional dreamers who need to be reined in by reality.

Ocasio-Cortez is not the feminist hero most media coverage has made her out to be. If anything, her time in the spotlight has set women in politics back.
When Alex saw this blog post, she accused me of being a "snowflake" who gets triggered by strong women and that she had seen guys like me when she used to bartend so she sees right through me.  Then she offered up a detailed explanation how she's going to pay for programs that equal the total tax revenue the federal government collects every year:

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