Sunday, September 23, 2018

This will be the pretense for Ford to back out

Breaking news from the Judiciary Committee:


  1. Amy Coney Barrett8:39 PM

    You could be right about Thursday's hearing getting cancelled. But the reasoning behind the prediction could be jusssst a whisker off.

  2. Good luck with that New Yorker story.

  3. Anonymous9:25 AM

    "Michael Avenatti will save us!"

  4. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Turns out the New Yorker contacted the woman, not the other way around, after hearing from several of her Yale classmates.

    But Deadspin says not to worry, Kavanaugh will be confirmed!

    * * * * * * * * * *

    What the American right wants, what it’s after, isn’t some abstract pluralist success, like the smooth functioning of government and/or the material improvement of American life. It wants, only and entirely, to defeat its opponents. Those aren’t quite the same thing. The Republican party would not choose the former if it could be accomplished without the latter.
    It has to be this guy. It has to be this guy now more than ever. It has to be this guy, now, because he has been accused, credibly, of attempting to rape a 15-year-old girl in 1982—moreover because people believe this should be considered a disqualifying blight on his record. The thing that must happen is that those people must be defeated. That is the whole point. What must be shown to the whole world is that this, even this, cannot stop him.
    The Republican party and its mouthpieces have been happy bordering on gleeful to shuffle through increasingly absurd and contradictory defenses of Kavanaugh. From He didn’t do it to Okay yeah he did it but that was 36 years ago to Yeah he did what the accuser describes but that’s just rough horseplay between kids to C’mon, who among us hasn’t ever tried to rape a 15-year-old to Actually this other guy is the one who did it to, at its absolute nadir, If she did not file a police report, she cannot have been sexually assaulted.
    The important thing to note is: Nobody, nobody, believes a single one of these defenses, most likely not even the people offering them. Believing any of them would defeat the point of the exercise, which is to demonstrate that it doesn’t matter, to put this son of a bitch across with a completely unhidden sneer, to say all but explicitly We know he did this, you know he did this, everyone knows he did this, and you couldn’t stop us anyway. The wild variety and complete inconsistency of all these defenses aren’t bugs; they’re features.
    It’s fine to chart out, if you wish, the moral and intellectual decay whereby the American right eventually dropped all its pretenses and became, straight out, the Neener Neener Neener You Can’t Stop Us movement; it’s fine to observe that this happening subsequent to America’s first non-white president and first non-male major-party presidential nominee is no coincidence at all, but very specifically a vengeful tantrum by a shrinking class of wounded bullies eager to reassert by force and at all costs their hold on society’s controls.

    But first, the thing to do is to describe it accurately. When they eventually ram Kavanaugh through, and they will, it won’t be despite all of this. It will be because of it.

  5. Anonymouss2:45 PM

    "he has been accused, credibly...

    Elaborate on the credible part of it for us.

  6. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Guess we ain't going to get the credible part.
