Sunday, September 23, 2018

Judge, have you ever done a keg stand?

Washington Examiner: "Democrats poised to grill Brett Kavanaugh on drinking, partying in high school."  It's pretty much all they got.


  1. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Interesting. Once one woman's story is fully debunked by her own "witnesses" another woman pops up making claims that nobody can prove or disprove. It's political whack-a-mole, keep making allegations over and over. Just like Wargames, the only way to win this game is not to play. Just vote already.

  2. Anonymous8:07 PM

    If a nominee can be derailed by this dumpster fire charge, it's anarchy.

    McConnell said there's going to be a vote which leads me to believe he has enough to confirm.
