Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Republicans: Prepare to pounce!

Federalist: "What To Look For In The Inspector General’s Report About DOJ And FBI Election Interference."


  1. 'Seize on' and 'politicize' are also favourites...

  2. Anonymous1:33 PM

    And another blockbuster report fizzles.

    But whatever the next one turns out to be, THAT'S the one that's really going to send some people to prison.

  3. That's because the IG allowed the targets to review and respond to report before this version of the report was released, which is now as watered down as a Bud Light at a baseball game. Since they're all Democrats, none of them are going to jail or get sued to the point of bankruptcy; that's reserved only for Republicans like General Flynn.

    Anyway, that's one 'pounce' and two 'seize's, for those keeping score at home.

  4. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Yesterday: Such an eagerly anticipated document whose ominous findings were certain to expose and sink Democrats.

    Today: Such a soft, valueless rinse job, exactly as we always knew it would be. (We just forgot to mention it before today.)

  5. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Hillary Clinton this afternoon on Twitter:

    "But my emails."

  6. You shitting me, bunky? It's been apparent for well over a decade that Democrats do not get punished for behaving like assholes, bending & breaking the rules, and fellow Democrats will make every excuse and look the other way if and when this shit gets exposed, just like you're doing now. At least I put my real name to these many comments on Eric's comments section spelling this out in that time frame, so GFY.

  7. The real fun will be in the criminal referrals.

  8. Anonymous8:11 PM

    It's still funny whenever Roger feels stupid for getting suckered again, and starts cursing.

  9. Sort of good to know 'Anonymous' is fine with the FBI using their official positions to attempt to throw U.S. elections.

  10. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I'm starting to worry that they might not Lock! Her! Up!

  11. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Unlike Manafort.
