Thursday, June 14, 2018

Emails? What emails? Oh, those emails.

Hot Air: "Did The FBI’s Slow Walk Of The Weiner Laptop Investigation Cost Clinton The Election?"

McCabe and Strzok sat on them for three weeks and then Comey felt compelled to reveal the renewed investigation right before the election.  But what might have been:
Comey told the OIG that, had he known about the laptop in the beginning of October and thought the email review could have been completed before the election, it may have affected his decision to notify Congress.
Something got buried and it was Hillary.


  1. They were all in on it - they should all be sued into personal bankruptcy, pensions stripped and then thrown into Supermax in Florence between the Unabomber & Tsarnev, left to rot and die.

  2. Anonymous1:05 PM

  3. Luke Cage11:38 AM

    It was so clever when the government told Paul Manafort's parents they were only taking him away to give him a bath.
