Monday, February 08, 2016

I was told it was a "security review"

You know, like the Geek Squad running McAfee.  Guess not: "FBI Makes It Official: Hillary Rodham Clinton Is Under Investigation."


  1. Clyde Tolson10:44 PM

    The FBI investigated "Travelgate." The FBI investigated Benghazi. The FBI investigated Whitewater. The FBI investigated Vince Foster's death. The FBI investigated Dick Cheney over the Plame leak. The FBI investigated Lois Lerner and the IRS. The FBI investigated Halliburton's Iraq contracts. The FBI is investigating Gov. Snyder and the people who switched Flint's water. The FBI investigated leftist advocacy groups after 9/11. The FBI investigated the DraftKings online betting service, Jennifer Lawrence's hacked nude photos, and Jared from Subway. Sometimes the FBI investigates itself, as in the "Fast and Furious" gun-running scheme.

    All things considered, I'd much rather have the FBI not investigating me rather than investigating me. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton is not facing her fifth prison sentence.

  2. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Yet here are some people the FBI is not investigating: any of the other candidates for presidential nomination.

  3. formerly dfwmtx11:56 AM

    Better hurry up, FBIes. If she gets the D nomination, the charges will be easily dismissed in the court of public opinion. Or do it before Barack can pardon her.

  4. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Yet here are some people the FBI is not investigating: any of the other candidates for presidential nomination.

    Nor Condi Rice nor Colin Powell, who each did the same thing as Clinton. I wonder who'll get the top bunk in Cell Block E (-mail)?

  5. Condi and Colin had their own servers? They directed subordinates to strip security markings from emails and send them via unsecured email? They sent information so top secret that the State Department won't release any aspect of the correspondence?

    I think your definition of the "same thing" is that they were Secretaries of State.

  6. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Must be Newsweek's definition, too:

    The Newsweek article deals with the servers, and the unsecured email, and the unreleasable top secret classifications, before concluding: "There is no Powell or Rice email scandal. And no doubt, that will infuriate the Republicans who are trying so hard to trick people into believing Clinton committed a crime by doing the exact same thing as her predecessors."
