Tuesday, February 09, 2016

How I hate the mainstream media

Ace: "In 2009, Hillary Clinton's Press Handler Philip Reines Demanded that Marc Ambinder Describe One of Her Speeches as "Muscular" In Exchange For an Early Transcript Of It."

This goes on with such predictable regularity but heaven forfend if we allow "Citizens United"-type of free speech.  Golly, I wonder who the New York Times will endorse this year.


  1. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Golly, I wonder who the New York Times will endorse this year.

    The main character in the NY Times' "Clinton Cash" exclusive that wilted on the vine?

    (But that advance peek in exchange for publicity was totally fine.)

  2. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Weak sauce.

    So the "Clinton Cash" guy told the NYT how to write his book review? Was it "muscular"?
