Friday, April 08, 2011

Younger workers flee high taxation in debt-ridden country - CNBC: "Spain's biggest export: young people." That could never happen here, eh?


  1. Hell - People are MA's biggest export. I've been all over the country and Massholes are everywhere. Some left for the opportunities and swear they will return one day. Others, like me, will never subject themselves to the BS of living there again.

  2. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Yes, we know, Mr. "I don't even OWN a television set!"/"Let me tell you how I quit smoking!" Your absence is all the state talks about.

    Look for that mass exodus from Boston to Nunavut any day now.

  3. Have long taught my children they should always feel free to immigrate from the USA. Just because one's family has been here X generations is a poor reason to remain.

  4. Ayn-bandon ship!8:28 PM

    Gee, it's amazing that the airlines are losing money. You'd think they could turn a buck on the incredible stream of productive producers who produce product, hightailing it out of Cripplingtaxistan.

  5. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Squint hard enough, and you can see them leaving!

    What do you mean, where? They're right next to the long line of lazy cheats driving up to the welfare office every month in their luxury sedans.

    You see them now, don't you? Right there! Right in the middle of that huge crowd. Behind the ACORN-employed Black Panthers intimidating voters. To the left of the nationwide death panels. In between the judges using sharia law to overrule the Constitution, and the liberals rooting for the terrorists to win. Thaaaaat's it. There they are!
