Thursday, April 07, 2011

What just happened in Wisconsin? - This is what happens when I watch reruns of "Community." Fox News: "Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice take big lead after county corrects vote count."

Extra - Althouse called it.

More - Mary Katherine Ham: "Small state-wide election with vital national implications soon to have no national implications whatsoever."


  1. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Ha! A conservative district reported late - after the dems thought they had found enough votes to cruise to a win. And too late for them to find more.

    look for whining, crying, and lawsuits.

  2. From the Gospel according to Obama 3:14 "Sneak in the votes after it's too late for the opposition to react."

    The Progs took the pipe!

  3. Booga booga! Go to sleep or ACORN will come get you!9:17 PM

    Democratic officials in Wisconsin verified the account of the mistake from the moment it occurred, but don't let that ruin your fun. Continue with your self-revealing reverse paranoia.
