Monday, January 03, 2011

Republicans move to repeal Obamacare with subtly-titled bill

Introduced to the House: "Repealing the Jobs-Killing Health Care Law Act."

Over at Real Clear Politics, Robert Samuelson writes that President Obama's social agenda stood foursquare against the economic policies that were needed to spur the economy and create jobs. This includes the health-care law:

The health care law raises hiring costs by requiring in 2014 that all firms with more than 50 employees provide health insurance or be fined. The law brims with complexities and uncertainties that make it hard to estimate the ultimate costs. Will firms with, say, 47 workers eagerly expand beyond 50 if that imposes all the extra costs? It seems doubtful.
Hey, man, Obama doesn't do consequences; he's all about intentions. And they're goooood.

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