Monday, January 03, 2011

Giant, radioactive ants are the cause of all our problems - Victor Davis Hanson: "Raging against 'Them'."


  1. Xavier O'Dus10:55 PM

    Hanson: "Better yet, the red-state-minded “they” (the nasty upper one-percent who stole from the rest of us due to their grasping but superfluous businesses) began to leave at the rate of 3,000 a week"

    California has been losing up to 150,000 thriving businessmen a year? Their best and brightest? I tells ya, they're all goin' Galt!

    They've run off to Randtopia, and if you haven't seen it happening, that's only because it's kind of like the Phantom Zone. California's former wealth producers now live safely inside those spinning squares, shouting curses at Nancy Pelosi and Jor-El.

  2. Sounds reasonable. I went to business school in CA and left long ago - as did everyone else I'm still in contact with.

    Deny it if it makes you feel better. I don't care what happens to CA as long as they don't get bailed out with my tax dollars.

  3. No one I know started a business in California. Also, I voted for John McCain, and so did everyone I associate with... therefore, the election seems fishy. For if not, reality would be somewhat different from my political preference, and that's just crazy talk.

  4. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Damn - I wonder how many other people recognized one of my favorite childhood monster movies in that headline?

  5. Anonymous2:41 PM

    What? You mean John Kerry's not the giant, radioactive ant? Oh... NOW I get it!
