Monday, December 06, 2010

F-bombs and assorted unsavory references

Well, it looks like President Obama has struck a deal with Congressional Republicans, who are essentially in charge now. The Bush tax cuts will be extended for two years, payroll taxes will see a temporary cut, the estate tax will stay at 35% instead of 55%, and unemployment insurance will be extended to 13 months for certain tiers.

As a deficit hawk, I'm not thrilled about the tax cuts but I also recognize that the economy is fragile and raising taxes in a recession is crazier. I think Cato director Chris Edwards has it right here: "The message of the election was not that Americans thought their taxes were too low, but that the government was too big." Spending is the problem in search of leadership.

But, man, I've been checking out some of the liberal blogs and they really, really hate this tax deal, Obama, and the Democrats in Congress. Oh they're angry at the Republicans but much more at the Democrats for alternately failing to pass the middle-class tax cuts before the midterm elections, or using their large majorities to push through their own tax plan, or for failing to go to the brink and throw the issue into the next Congress.

Hey, let's keep it clean. There are kids on the Intertubes.

Extra - In between the clamoring for primary challengers, I thought this comment was kinda funny: "I think Obama is positioning himself for the 2012 GOP nomination."


  1. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Referring to the posted comment about Obama and the 2012 GOP nomination, I think Obama will be running on repealing Obamacare.

  2. Dick Cheney3:26 AM

    Tax cut, shmax cut. Obama proved that deficits don't matter.

  3. "Tax cut, shmax cut." Obama proved that Democrats don't matter.

  4. Hugh Bris, Jr.11:01 AM

    Exactly, Woodchuck. The permanent majority is BACK!
