Monday, December 06, 2010

Can't blog, watching football - Big NFL matchup tonight: Patriots and Jets, both 9-2, are fighting for top dog in the AFC.

Update - End of the 1st and it's all Patriots, baby. 17-0
Halftime - It's 24-3 Patriots. I think Tom Brady will grab the record for most consecutive wins at home tonight.
Start of the 4th - 38-3. The line on this game was 3.5 points. Well, I guess I can go to bed.


  1. Statman Crothers3:33 AM

    "I think Tom Brady will grab the record for most consecutive wins at home tonight."

    That is awesome, true sports history. Everybody thought that record would stand forever. Any word on the record for most first down catches by a receiver with an alliterative name? How about most penalty yards for a team named after a type of animal?

  2. Anonymous9:55 AM

    While future Hall of Fame coach Belichick is fond of saying 'stats are for losers', one shouldn't begrudge the Pats fan his gloating over the performance of future Hall of Fame QB Tom Brady. Especially since said gloating fan originally hails from New Jersey, has broken with NASCAR, and advocates increasing taxes on his Republican web site.

    The Viking Pundit's time spent in the birthplace of the American Revolution, the great Commonwealth of Massachusetts (not to mention listening to NPR), is having the desired effect, albeit at a glacial pace.

    There is a far more disturbing concern raised by this post: could it be that "come-up-with-a-clever-name-tied-to-the-point-I'm-trying-to-make-in-my-post-instead-of-choosing-'anonymous'" guy is a Jets fan?

    Say it ain't so.

  3. Anonymous (instead of anonymous)11:03 AM

    There are Jets fans?

  4. Anonymous4:45 PM

    That's better.

  5. I'm a little creeped out that Anonymous knows so much about me.

    Yes, it's true, I'm originally from New Jersey where the Yankees and the NY Giants ruled. Then I moved to Massachusetts and - BAM! - the Red Sox win their first series since 1918 and the Patriots (!) become a dynasty.

    All I'm saying is that I'm willing to move to your sports city for the right price. I'm looking at you Chicago Cubs and Detroit.

    OK, not Detroit.
