Wednesday, November 03, 2010

More symbolic - Harry Reid - who hasn't led in any poll in a month - is projected to beat Sharron Angle in Nevada to hold his Senate seat. Let's face it: it's a bad night for conservative women from Delaware to Nevada to California. Maybe Nikki Haley is the counterbalance, but not by much.


  1. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Apparently it's an advantage when the people running the voting machines work for you. This one really smells fishy.

  2. Anonymous12:24 PM

    The only thing that smell means is that Sean Hannity ate trout about 36 hours ago. You might want to extract that nose.

  3. You forgot Kelly Ayotte in New Hampshire.

  4. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Mama grizzlies are an endangered species.

    Nevertheless, congratulations to Sarah Palin for endorsing approximately 75,000 candidates and watching about half of them win. That's a mighty influential coin she's flipping. She should endorse the NFC for the 2011 Super Bowl next.
