Wednesday, November 03, 2010

America turns the keys over to the Slurpee sippers - Well, several news outlets have declared that the Republicans have officially gained enough seats to control the House and - by the morning - it looks like the swing will be bigger than 1994. The Senate was always a longshot and there were some victories (Rubio, Kirk) balanced by some disappointments (Reid). Both the Washington and Colorado Senate races are too close to call but I can't stay up any longer.


  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Nate Silver at 2 a.m.:
    "So for the time being, the biggest Republican upset is … Michael McMahon of Staten Island? Who has only held his seat for two years in a district that voted for John McCain for President?

    For a wave, this has been an incredibly orderly one."

  2. I'm curious about your take on Cahill, since his margin was almost exactly what kept Patrick in office. I still try and keep up with Mass politics via the Howie Carr show, but his opinion on Cahill is probably a bit more colorful than the average Mass resident. Does this guy really have a career anywhere in the state to look forward to?

  3. I think Cahill will be soon forgotten as the curiosity who lost his running mate and most of his staff. Also, I don't believe he took more votes from Baker than he did from Patrick.

    Baker missed an opportunity by running such a crummy campaign. How could a penniless candidate like Cahill run more ads than the (supposedly) rich CEO? Baker let himself get defined in a race he could have won. Disappointing.
