Friday, November 05, 2010

Last refuge of a scoundrel: blaming the teleprompter - Washington Examiner: "Obama stays on message about his messaging problem."

Say, Mr. President, how did the MTV/Jon Stewart/urban radio/Ryan Seacrest whirlwind tour work out for you? Oh...not so good: "Exit poll: Lower turnout among youth and black voters."


  1. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Is it truly a shock that 2008's highest-ever black vote and third-highest-ever youth vote would drop for a midterm election? Fewer 50-year-old white men voted, too.

    And isn't it almost certain that those categories would have fallen even further than they did without such efforts? Some of the highest-profile Democratic wins were very close ones.

  2. Well, I read that the youth vote was average for a midterm election. Considering how Obama belittled his office to recapture that wonderful year of 2008, I think "average" was a failure.

  3. stats9:32 AM

    Voters age 18-29:
    2010: 20.4% (early estimate)
    2006: 23.5%

    CNN exit polling indicated that one in four voters this week was over 65 years old. Two years ago, the percentage was one in six.

    The "Rock the Vote" group is claiming that in the areas they targeted, young voter turnout was higher than it had been in 2006.
