Friday, November 05, 2010

And now, back to business

Which means that this blog will get back to my singular obsession with America's debt in general and entitlement spending in particular. Let's get back in the swing of things with "Entitlements and Guaranteed Bankruptcy" over at Lew Rockwell:
The Social Security numbers do not add up. This is slowly becoming obvious to a minority of voters. When combined with Medicare, the numbers are simply ridiculous. There is no way that the promises can be fulfilled.
Author Gary North hits upon many themes including the heresy that the federal government can simply take away your Social Security benefits; there is no "guarantee" in the system. It would be so much more honest for the Feds to fess up and tell workers under 40: under current law, we're going to lop off a quarter of your promised Social Security benefit. Please plan accordingly.

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