Sunday, October 10, 2010

Amazing Race update – Boxing day

Here on the East Coast, TAR started an hour late thanks to the NFL. Nine teams start out in Accra, Ghana and head to the outlying town of Jamestown where they need to find a boxing academy. This is the Roadblock: one team member must punch a bag (well) for 60 seconds and jump rope (well) for another 60 seconds. Brook & Claire finish quickly and head to the next Route Marker outside town; Team Volleyball followed close behind with Chad & Stephanie on their tails. Team Surgeons are in last place since their taxi driver refuses to take them to their destination.

At the next Route Marker, teams load a wheelbarrow and deliver equipment to a school. Team A Capella finishes first and at school they need to take an African geography quiz. The two kids from Princeton can't locate the country they're in. After a couple tries, they finally find Ghana and get a clue for the Detour: Bicycle Parts or Language Arts. Teams may either roll a bicycle rim over a field or decode a series of symbols and find them on a large sign. Connor & Jonathan find their symbols and finish first at the Pit Stop nearby. Meanwhile, Nat & Kat are way behind because of taxi troubles.

The dumb teams (that is, the younger couples) can't locate Ghana on a map and, when they do, they're flustered by the Language Arts detour. Team Las Vegas do nothing but yell at each other which may be the secret to getting on the TAR but is not they key to staying on; Vicki is troubled by asthma and the running is a problem for her. At the Detour, Michael of Team YouTube succumbs to the African sun and requires medical attention to continue. He needs an extended break and Kevin & Michael finish in last place. However, this is a non-elimination leg so they get to continue although there will be a Speed Bump on the next leg.

Final standings:

#1 – Team A Capella – Connor & Jonathan – First place: Five large
#2 – Team Kentucky – Gary & Mallory
#3 – Chad & Stephanie
#4 – Katie & Rachel
#5 – Nick & Vicki
#6 – Brook & Claire
#7 – Jill & Thomas
#8 – Nat & Kat
#9 – Team YouTube - Michael & Kevin – Non-elimination leg

Next week: Sled dogs and sleds.

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