Sunday, October 10, 2010

Alexi Giannoulias: "Sure we were loaning to criminals, but I didn't know the extent"

In somewhat of a stunning admission on "Meet the Press", Illinois senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias doesn't deny knowing that his Chicago bank loaned money to crime figures; instead he says he didn't know the "extent" of their activity. That's the Chicago way!

This reminds me a scene on "The Office" where Jim is describing his visit to Dwight's beet farm: "I just realized that this is Pam's and my first night away together. I used to play it over in my head and it was just a little bit different. Uh...I always imaged less manure. I mean some manure, just less."

Extra - More from Ace. Also, Gateway notes the warm and personal endorsement President Obama gave Alexi at a fundraiser.

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