Monday, September 06, 2010

What health care vote? - Politico reports in "Democrats run away from health care" that party officials can't identify a single Democrat running a campaign ad holding up their "yes" vote. Too bad they can't blame Bush for this one.


  1. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Nate Silver ( reports:

    "I studied the campaign Web sites of Republican and Democratic candidates for the House in the 33 Congressional districts currently labeled toss-ups by The New York Times political desk... Of the 29 Republicans in these pivotal districts, all but one mentioned it, with many suggesting that the Democrats’ bill should be repealed. But health care was also highlighted by 23 of the 29 Democrats, making it the most cited issue among that party as well."

  2. Anonymous1:56 AM

    Bill White, the Texas Democrat running for Governor will not use the word "Democrat" in his TV ads. He pretends to be of no party whatsoever. Does he think the animals at the Dallas Zoo will be voting? Only they could be stupid enough to fall for that!
