Monday, September 06, 2010

The President goes off-teleprompter - CNN: "Obama: They talk about me like a dog."

I honestly don't know what he means here, but maybe it has something to do with the mess on the carpet.

Extra - Man, you gotta feel sorry for those poor Secret Service guys on the President's detail. How many times have they had to endure the "Do you want to give the Republicans the keys to the car" call-and-response? Dozens? Hundreds? Yeah, yeah, the car's in the ditch. But I paid $800 billion for a tow truck to get it out and there it sits.


  1. Anonymous1:35 AM

    How many times have they had to endure the "Do you want to give the Republicans the keys to the car" call-and-response? Dozens? Hundreds?

    Could be worse... every day of the week, every week of the year, the agents could be hearing about a mama grizzly with a poor man's teleprompter and her First Dude, which somehow adds up to takin' our country back.

  2. hiding behind annonymous12:07 PM

    Just remember: those who didn't like Stalin's glorious worker's paradise ended up in places where you'd get boiled grass to eat. Be happy this economy is roaring along and that your welfare check can keep you in cat food, citizen.

  3. hiding behind annonnimoos1:48 PM

    Chiang Kai-shek says, "Your terrible satire sucks, get off the stage."

  4. hiding behind hiding behind annonymous12:56 PM

    Just so you know, your support of Big BrObama won't increase your chocolate ration, nor will it get you any meat in your doubleplusgood stew. While your unpaid shilling is appreciated, only those individuals who contribute thousands of dollars to the campaign get accepted as Inner Party members. Then and only then do you get to turn off the television. Until then.....
