Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Time to panic yet? - Hit and Run "More scenes from the Economic Hyperpocalypse": "Let's bask in the one thing we have in surplus: bad economic news."


  1. Lester Lockbox12:26 AM

    "Equity trading in the slow month of August is the lowest it's been since 1999. Small investors are bailing on the stock market, and Melloy says many of them will never be back."

    Well, what do you know? Small investors are overreacting to being robbed by deregulated brokerage firms, which falsified data to deceive clients about the risk and value of investments, then profited on commissions while simultaneously betting against the same clients' certain losses.

    Don't these nervous nellies know nobody EVER loses money over the long term in the stock market?

  2. Fie on anyone silly enough to stay with the high price spreads.
    The online brokerages give you what you need for less than $10 a pop.
    If you can't understand what you're doing OR don't want to take the time, you shouldn't be there in the first place. One simple piece of investing advice: Avoid buying high and selling low.

  3. Last night my wife and I were talking about the grim economy. We work in two different industries but we see the same thing - zero growth.

  4. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Maybe she's tired of being shorted against the box, for a minimum yield.
