Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Enthusiasm gap in the Sunshine State - Interesting tidbit from Florida that - if true - tells quite a story about who will make it to the polls in November. According to Jim Geraghty, in the U.S. Senate matchup, more voters came out for the essentially uncontested Republican primary than came out for the genuinely competitive Democratic primary. (H/T Other McCain.)

Update - Hooray, Meek wins his battle! Which means Rubio will probably win the war. Also, GOP voters may have been motivated by the much-closer gubernatorial primary.


  1. Erkin Ha1:12 PM

    Florida's liberal voters may not abandon Charlie Crist to the degree Powerline optimistically anticipates they will, and especially not if Rubio starts looking solid. "Nader = Bush" isn't exactly ancient history to them.

    Then there's the supposedly surprising ratio of GOP-to-Dem votes in yesterday's primary. Will Democrats really "come home to Meek" when they wouldn't come TO him in the first place? They didn't care whether Meek made it out of the primary, but now he's their man, party control of the seat be damned?

    Rubio could win this, but I seriously doubt it'd be because of that shaky premise.

  2. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Bill McCollum becomes the third state Attorney General to run on his "Real Americans v. Obamacare" lawsuit, and then get whacked in a primary. It's already happened in South Carolina, and in Michigan.
