Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Missouri says "si" to Proposition C - The question on the Missouri ballot tonight may be largely symbolic since any challenge to Obamacare will have to work through the courts, but an overwhelming number of voters in the Show-Me state rejected the individual insurance mandate.

What will be the White House spin tomorrow? Only the crazies came out to vote? It was a meaningless temper tantrum? I think it's fair to state this plain fact: a lot of Americans really don't like this expansion of the Commerce Clause and they're going to vote both now and November.

Update - With almost 2/3rds of MO ballot reporting, the "Yes" vote leads 74.3% - 25.7%.

Extra - Background and updates from Hot Air.


  1. Anonymous11:02 PM

    About that 75%-25% blowout.

    Every Republican candidate for U.S. Representative in Missouri has an opponent. A couple have 7 or 8 of them. Half of the Democratic candidates are running unopposed. No Democratic race is competitive; a number of Republican races are.

    With two-thirds of the precincts reporting, 176,000 Democratic votes have been counted, as compared with 407,000 Republican votes.

  2. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Somebody needs to tell Hot Air's hyperventilating "Allahpundit" that a ballot resolution demanding that B. Hussein Obama reveal his true birth certificate would have gotten about the same numbers, in this particular Missouri primary.

  3. Those darn People don't know what's good for them! They should just shut-up and listen to their betters.
