Monday, August 02, 2010

Double double counting counting - Hit and Run: "Obama Administration doubles down on Obamacare double counting." It's that darn CBO again saying you can't both "save" and "spend" money.

Extra - From Vodkapundit. And this from Powerline: "If Obamacare is Constitutional, we have experienced the demise of limited government."

Related - SCOTUSblog gives a legal perspective on Judge Henry Hudson's decision to allow a Virginia lawsuit against Obamacare to go forward. I was heartened to read that the judge believed the Commerce Clause had been stretched beyond recognition - a new "watermark" as it were.

1 comment:

  1. Aaron Ogden1:16 AM

    Don't get TOO heartened. While it's true that no court has "squarely addressed this issue," we can't blame the courts for that; the thing just passed a couple of months ago. While Judge Hudson kicked the can (and rightly so), the road the can has bounced down is a rough one for Virginia. All previous Supreme Court decisions have recognized Congress' near-total leeway regarding the commerce clause.

    All that Hudson ruled on was Virginia's legal standing to bring suit. A declaration that they had NO such standing would have been an eye-opener. Arizona also had the legal standing to pass its state immigration law... however, whether they get to keep their law or enforce it in the light of contravening federal law, that's another kettle of fish.
