Friday, June 25, 2010

Yawn - This is the top story on Memeorandum right now: WashPost reporter Dave Weigel apologizing for belittling remarks he made on conservatives and Republican politicians. Are we supposed to be surprised? I take it as an article of faith that every graduate of J-school (except this guy) espouse politics that run from hard-left to center-left.

Extra - Jennifer Rubin: "Will the Washington Post finally admit that the paper was snookered into hiring David Weigel as an authentic conservative voice?"

More - Althouse: "Burn, Davey, burn."

1 comment:

  1. AM

    Nate Silver on Weigel:
    "Is the expectation really that journalists aren't allowed to develop opinions about the subjects they cover, [b]even if those opinions are expressed only in private?[/b] We have a name for people who are so indifferent about society: we call them sociopaths...

    He seems like a pretty righteous guy, not in the California surfer dude way but rather in the sense of who is someone who is deeply concerned with the truth and perhaps gets a bit rankled when he encounters people who do not share this commitment. Many of the people whom he criticized, in contrast -- Matt Drudge, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Betsy McCaughey -- seem relatively willing to distort the truth when it serves to advance their political agenda. Of course, there are are many liberals (and centrists, etc.) of whom this is true as well. But it's the Drudges and the McCaugheys who Weigel encountered on his beat."
