Thursday, June 24, 2010

Blog post title of the day - Reason: "Paul Krugman now laughingstock on two continents." Everybody's just about had it with his "spend yourself rich" advice.

Extra - Big money spending generated lots of jobs. Not.


  1. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Yeah, everybody. The U.S. Treasury Secretary and the National Economic Council director, those guys are nobody.

  2. OK, they're considered laughingstock components of the Paul Krugman Bozo Axis of fiscal idiots too.

    How about I let you pay my share of the FDR→Obama all inclusive socialist American DEBT. I did fine without it except for getting my ass shot up in the Nam. That disability I'M TAKING.

    Don't want you unhappy and sniveling all day.

  3. U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner doesn't seem to want to spend his fair share on stimulating the economy with union givaways.
