Friday, February 19, 2010

Standing in line at RMV - 1.5 hour wait. Bummer


  1. I miss the good old days at spending a full summer's day at the New Jersey, not.

    Here in New Mexico, they have a government-run MVD and a private MVD. I always use the private MVD and pay the fee because it is well-worth it. Last year, I renewed my license and registration while my wife and kids waited in the car with it running, and the fee was a little less than $20.

    Wouldn't you gladly hand that over right now?

  2. Geez, $20 at the private or $20 extra for the reduced wait? My renewal was $50. Yikes.

  3. The fee for the service was less than $20, which is on top of the usual state fees. Worth every penny. Worst fight I ever got into with my wife was when me moved here and I waited 3+ hours for my license at the state-run joint and found out the next day about the private DMV. She said she didn't tell me because she knew I would want to "waste" the $15.

  4. Got mine renewed a few months ago at the Wilmington DMV. I went just before 11:00 AM, was out within 45 minutes.
