Thursday, February 18, 2010

Only the paranoid survive - This is far-fetched, yet believable: hold on to your 401(k) savings, America. You're going to need it when Social Security and your pension fund go bankrupt.


  1. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Better hold on to your guns first. An Argentina move on 401ks and IRAs will start the Revolution.

    Funny that everyone in the media can call the IRS plane guy a kook and just brush over the issue.

    The anger is building in a scary way. These dolts in DC don't realize the dynamite they are playing with.

  2. Hold on to your 401k? The proposal is to allow your 401k to be seized! 401k vs AK47?

  3. But John,
    It's just not fair that some people have more money their 401k's than other people! We should share the wealth and spread it around. Who is better qualified to manage our investments than the federal government?

  4. Sensible Citizen9:18 AM

    I'll blast them consarned revenooers right off'n my LAND!

  5. After the Bamster gets though "Weimaring" the Dollar, you'll use your 401(k) for mattress stuffing.

    Now the weaponry, that will keep you comfy and safe.

  6. Some on the left probably don't know this yet, but there would be an irreversible backlash against anyone trying to "convert" 401Ks in a manner described in that article. That's why smarter (relatively speaking) liberals oppose even partial privatization of social security. People are less likely to support raiding a "trust fund" when its their own.

    Convert 401Ks? Let them try it.

  7. Jeepers Freepers!2:53 PM

    Yes, but Obama is going to TAKE YOUR GUNS first! And send them home to Kenya! Ha, ha! What will you do then? THROW your bullets at the U.N. Peacekeepers/401(k) Seizers, who are waiting for Barry Hussein to push the signal alert hidden in his Nobel medal? It's time to join the uncounted millions who have already Gone Galt! In the meantime, tell your employer to start paying you in kevlar!

    The anger! The anger, it nourishes me!
