Friday, February 05, 2010

Can't possibly be true - I saw this in a George Will article yesterday: Nobel-prize winning economist Robert Fogel estimates that by 2040, China's economy will top $123 trillion. By his guess, China's GDP will account for 40% of the entire planet's output vs. about 14% for the United States.

Good heavens: even if he's off by a lot, we're looking at the start of the Chinese century. Time to learn Mandarin, kids.


  1. Anonymous8:52 PM

    25-30 years ago, weren't they saying the same about the Japanese economy?

  2. How can they get that big compared to the rest of the planet when they import most of their raw materials. This seems a bit of far-sighted sensationalism that he can never be checked on since he - and most of us - will be dead by then. Chalk it off as academic BS.

  3. PLMIJN11:01 PM

    How dare you scoffing scoffers scoff? If George Will says it, it's golden.

  4. Anonymous1:47 AM

    If its in US dollars I believe that, at the rate were going a million is going to be required for a gallon of milk.
